Join JMF’s effort to help families in war-torn Yemen

Join JMF’s effort to help families in war-torn Yemen

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Far away and out of mind, but the Republic of Yemen, in the Arabian Peninsula, is contending with violence and famine and disease as a result of six years of internal and external conflicts. 7 million people are at risk of famine, with more than a million children under the age of five suffering from malnutrition. The nation has been struck by a cholera epidemic and the national blood bank may close due to lack of funds.

We’re preparing to forward grants from The Jonah Maccabee Foundation to help kids who are caught in this disaster. We hope you will join us by making a generous donation that we will send to folks who are working in the trenches there.

Please DONATE FOR YEMEN RELIEF HERE. We’ll be working with the International Rescue Committee as they deploy emergency response teams to provide clean water, medicine, nutrition services and other urgent aid to as many people as possible.

We are so grateful to have you join us in this effort. All unspecified donations between now and the end of August will go directly to relief projects in Yemen.

Most sincerely,
Ellen, Billy, Katie, Mark and Aiden
The Jonah Maccabee Foundation, Inc.

Donate at The Jonah Maccabee Foundation.

BillyJoin JMF’s effort to help families in war-torn Yemen

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