Thank you … to those who, in 2024, have provided funds so we can make a difference in people’s lives

Thank you … to those who, in 2024, have provided funds so we can make a difference in people’s lives

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The Levins … in memory of Claudia Siegel

Rabbi Bernard H. Mehlman … in memory of Ina Friedman Starobin, mother of Rabbi Ronne Friedman

Rabbi Mo Salth … in appreciation of the support Billy provided me in preparing a D’var Torah

Cantor Sarah Sager

Gail Nalven

Rabbi Marc Rosenstein

Rick and Elisa Recht

Anonymous … in memory of Claudia Helene Siegel

Bonnie Mitelman … in memory of Jonah Dreskin

Karen Steele

Isaac Reuben

Julie Goldstein Feldman

Naomi and Richard Binenfeld … Kol HaKavod, Billy and Ellen … and Beged Kefet’s older but still beautiful voices

Geri Pell

Corey Friedlander

Madelyn Katz

Rabbi Julian and Susie Cook … love the new song!

Rabbi Jeffrey .Clopper

Ian Silver

Rabbi Jeffrey Sirkman


Alan and Carolyn Berkowitz … with thanks to the Dreskins and Cantor Rosalie Will for an unforgettable weekend at Temple B’nai Shalom

Barry Wallack … the few days you spent with us at Temple B’nai Shalom were just amazing!!!

The Levan clan … in memory of Linda Kaplan

The Carrolls … in honor of Katie


Elliott and Phyllis Rosen

The Bordwin family

Cindy J Hoffman

Karyn Rondeau Harline … in memory of Jonah

Your friends at the American Jewish Archives

Lisa Ann and Akiva Wharton

Steve Hummel and family

Adam Namm and Mei Huang … in memory of Norman Friedman

Ira Lichtiger and Joyce Bluestone

Dorothy Walrond

BillyThank you … to those who, in 2024, have provided funds so we can make a difference in people’s lives

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