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In light of Saturday’s events in Charlottesville, we’re adding a new project to our agenda. It’s vital that every American stand in opposition to racism, white supremacists, and hatred. Committed to helping create a world where kids can grow up healthy and whole, The Jonah Maccabee Foundation is working with organizations that are fighting the efforts of those who would reserve American soil only for those who fit the description of their choosing.

Please DONATE TO OUR “CHARLOTTESVILLE PROJECT” HERE by designating in the space provided on the form that you’d like your gift to join this battle for America’s soul. We’ll forward every penny to the Southern Poverty Law Center and others of our friends and heroes at the forefront of these critical battles on America’s streets and in her courtrooms.

We are so grateful to have you join us in this effort.

Most sincerely,
Ellen, Billy, Katie, Mark and Aiden
The Jonah Maccabee Foundation, Inc.


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