Just “thank you!”

Just “thank you!”

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Whew! That was huge.

First of all, you stuck by us as we bombarded you with nearly a dozen emails this month. We’d wanted to share with you the wonderful videos from our 10th Anniversary Event, and you let us! Thank you for that.

Second, did you know that charitable giving is down everywhere because of the economy? But you came through for us! Thank you even moreso for that. We promise to use your dollars in as caring and compassionate a way as possible.

And all those videos? If you missed any, here they are one more time:

That’s it, friends. Thank you again. Sincerely. We’ll keep you updated on our projects. More than anything, you have our deep gratitude … for helping us remember Jonah Mac by turning love into action.

As always, you’re welcome to send additional donations, perhaps to honor someone YOU love.

Wishing you every goodness in the new year,
The Dreskin family
The Jonah Maccabee Foundation

Don’t miss us on Facebook and Twitter!

BillyJust “thank you!”

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