Thanks to all who have contributed to our “Our Second 10 Years!” Campaign

Thanks to all who have contributed to our “Our Second 10 Years!” Campaign

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We are so grateful that you take the time and dollars to support our work. It’s incredibly gratifying and this list of donors to our “Our Second 10 Years!” Campaign is a small but earnest expression of our thanks. May our shared efforts bring ever-increasing goodness into a world that so desperately needs it.

The Dreskins

Malka and Ross Wolman

Janet and Doron Elam

Andrew Katz

Sue Shankman and Michael Namath

Kenneth I Green

Barbara Orwick

Jeffrey Nakrin

Steve and Terri Levin


Bari Ziegel

Eileen Reiter

Marsha Shapiro … in memory of Rabbi Mark Dov Shapiro

Jo Hariton

Tom and Susan Schaeffer

Richard and Marsha Cohn

Cantor Leon Sher … in honor of all the good work the Dreskin family does in the world

The Sommer family

Glynis Conyer

Allison Pincus and Matt Scult … in memory of Jonah Dreskin whose spirit continues to impact many

Dale Glasser

Rick and Addie Lupert

Steve Klaper and Mary Gilhuly

Dr. Daniel Lucas

Carol Ochs

Ronni Schatz … in memory of Rabbi Scott Corngold

Anonymous … in honor of the Dreskin family

Nicole Roos

Bonnie Denmark Friedman

Noni and Bob Stearns

Jonathan Kessel

Melissa Kaye-Swift … in loving memory of Jonah

Pietra, Alan, and Ben Greenberg/Cohen … in memory of Sylvia and Arthur

Margot Serwer and Jonathan Gordon … in memory of Jonah Dreskin (z”l)

Jody and Michael Weinberg

Rabbi Mo Salth

Tracy Friend

Myron Katz … in memory of Rina Katz

Rabbi Jeffrey Sirkman … in memory of Susan Sirkman

Geri Pell

Patti Linsky

Sharol Brickman

Rena Dreskin … in memory of Jonah M Dreskin

Rabbi Zachary Plesent and Cantor Jenna Mark

Noah Budin … in honor of Sharon Grace

Nina Luban … in memory of Jonah

Liz Kanter Groskind and Eric Groskind

Elliott and Phyllis Rosen

Harvey Feldman … in memory of Nathan and Marian Feldman

Dan and Kelly Kaskawits … in memory of Tammy Kaskawits

Cantor Lisa Levine

Naomi and Richard Binenfeld … to celebrate Jonah’s life!

Renni Altman and Rick Wender … in honor of Daniel Wender, because he loved Jonah

Joan and Andy Farber … in honor of Ellen, Billy, Katie and Aiden

Jay and Erica Leon

Kyla and Mitchell Schneider

Rabbi Jonah Pesner and Dana Gershon

Daniel Pliskin

Patti and Wayne Fuchs … in memory of Mrs. Hilda Blum

Abby and Harry Heiman

Ariel Milan-Polisar

Neil and Denise Weinstein

Marilyn and Jeff Bilsky

Andy and Susan Sterling

Carol Scharff

Ellen G Krieger Rubin … in memory of Larry Gralla

Todd Gordon and Susan Feder

Danny Siegel

Anonymous … in memory of Hilda Blum

Rene Katersky … in honor of the Dreskin family because I have so much respect and admiration for all you do, not only in this good work in Jonah’s memory, but for your continuous warmth of welcome and teaching


Cantor Danielle Rodnizki … in honor of singing with Ellen, Merri, Benjie and Jenna

Mark Kaufman and Rachel Wineberg

Julie and Scott Stein

Cantor Todd Kipnis

Debra Robbins

Faryn Rudnick

Abby Gostein

Josh Perlstein

Rabbi Andy Vogel and Martha Hausman

Kim Geringer and Colin Dunn

Martine and Bruce Klein

Adina Baseman Sharfstein

Bonnie C. Mitelman

Rabbi Steven Lowenstein

Helen Meltzer-Krim

Merri Rosenberg

Michael Pincus

Anonymous … in memory of Hilda Blum

Stan and Loretta Freimark … in memory of Mrs. Hilda Blum, an elegant kind woman who will be missed by many

Cantor Jill Abramson

Jeanne and Murray Bodin

Craig Taubman … in memory of Jonah Maccabee

Marc Rosenstein

Beth D. Davidson

Kathy Tuchman Glass

John Kalter

Chuck and Nancy Fishman

Morris L. Kramer

Mayta Cohen

Phyllis Opochinsky … in memory of Jonah Dreskin

Robbie Harris

Jeanne Weiland and Jay Moskovitz

Scott B. Cantor and Lisa E. Stone

Gail Nalven and Pat Rudden

Cantor Benjie Schiller and Rabbi Les Bronstein

Rabbi and Mrs. Norman Cohen … in honor of Ellen and Billy Dreskin

Vivian and David Singer

Jonathan Slater

Mary Ann Shamis

Rob Berliner … in memory of Jonah

Ilene Berger

Jessica and Chuck Myers

Sara Steinberg

The Hacker family

Barbara Stambler

Linda A Harvey

Rabbi Larry Milder


The American Jewish Archives, Dr. Gary P. Zola, Executive Director

Michael Dreskin and Carol Williams … in honor of his favorite brother Billy (which Michael did not say but since Billy controls this page, he figured why not)

Arnie Sleutelberg and Robert Crowe

Louis and Kathy Bordman … in honor of the Dreskin family

Dr. Madelyn Katz … in memory of Micah Bycel

Ken and Liz Blum … in memory of Hilda Blum, and in recognition of Rabbi Mara’s beautiful, touching funeral service

Corey Friedlander

Corey Friedlander … in memory of Hilda Blum, mother of Ken Blum

Lois and Jay Izes


Beth Sher

Jeremy Wolfe

Steve Hummel and family … in memory of Jonah

The Pomer Family

Rabbi Larry and Rhonda Karol

Jan and Lanie Katzew

Rochelle Novins … in memory of Jay and Kevin Novins

Rabbi Norman M. Cohen

Al and Sara Dreskin

Susan and David Berger

Madeline Hendricks

Sally Winter

Rabbi Hillel Cohn

Paul Flexner … in honor of Billy

Lew Wyman and Susan Newman

Liza Pincus and Elie Salamon

Barry and Joanne Citrin

Michael Mellen

Molly Rodriguez

Rebecca Schwartz

Roberta Grossman

Roberta Roos

Jamie and Joey Carroll … in honor of Katie Dreskin

Ruth Rugoff and Joe + Annie Potischman … in memory of Jonah Maccabee Dreskin

Karen Steele

Norman E. Friedman

BillyThanks to all who have contributed to our “Our Second 10 Years!” Campaign

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