Lecha Dodi (no horns)

Suggested Donation: $1.00

Here’s a Lecha Dodi that really kicks off Shabbat with a celebration!


A very contemporary, upbeat, quasi-R&B/pop celebration of the Sabbath. This version excludes the horns from the original version.

And here’s an edited version that’s modified to perhaps better suit congregational unison singing, shortened, and where all nine verses are not typically sung.


Le-cha do-di lik-rat ka-lah,
P’ney sha-bat n’kab-lah
Sha-mor v’za-chor v’dee-bur e-chad, hish-mee-a-nu eyl hahm-yu-chad.
Adonai e-chad oosh-mo e-chad. L’shem ool-tif-e-ret v’lit-hee-lah
Lik-rat sha-bat l’khu v’nel-cha. Kee hee m’kor ha-bra-cha
Mey-rosh mee-ke-dem n’su-cha. Sof ma-a-seh b’mach-sha-vah t’hee-lah
Mik-dash me-lech eer m’lu-cha ku-mee tz’ee mee-toch ha-ha-fey-cha
Rav lach she-vet b’eh-mek ha-ba-cha v’hu yach-mol a-la-yich chem-lah
Hit-o-r’ree hit-o-r’ree. Kee va o-rech ku-mee o-ree
Oo-ree oo-ree sheer da-bey-ree. K’vod Adonai a-la-yich nig-lah
Lo tey-vo-shee v’lo tee-kal-mee mah tish-to-cha-chee oo-ma te-he-mee
Bach ye-che-soo ah-nee-yei-a-mee v’niv-n’tah ahl tee-lah
Ya-min oo-s’mol tif-ro-tzee v’et Adonai ta-a-ree-tzee
Al yad ish ben par-tzee v’nis-m’cha v’na-gee-la

Bo-ee v’sha-lom a-te-ret ba-lah. Gahm b’sim-cha oov-tzo-ho-lah
Toch e-mu-ney ahm s’gu-lah. Bo-ee cha-lah, bo-ee cha-lah.

Beloved, come to meet the bride; beloved, come to greet Shabbat. “Keep” and “Remember” in a single word, the Unique God caused us to hear. The Eternal is One, God’s name is One, for fame and glory and praise. Come with me to greet Shabbat, for she is a fountain of blessing! She flows from the first to the last – last to be created, the first in intention. Arise! Leave from the midst of the turmoil; long enough have you sat in the valley of tears and God will take great pity upon you compassionately. Arouse yourself! Rise and shine, for your light has come! Awake, awake, break out in song! God’s glory has dawned upon you! Do not be embarrassed! Do not be ashamed! Why be downcast? Why groan? All my afflicted people will find refuge within you and the city shall be rebuilt on her hill. Enter in peace, O crown of your husband, in joy and gladness enter the midst of your treasured people! Come, O bride! Come, O bride!


released December 1, 2021
Music and arrangement: Billy Dreskin
Vocals: A Joyful Noise Ensemble (Woodlands Community Temple, White Plains, NY)
Words by Rabbi Shlomo Halevi Alkabetz (16th cen Spain and Israel)
Sound engineering by Larry Alexander (Studio “L,” Congers NY)”

A Joyful Noise” Singers …

Rabbi Vicki Armour-Hileman
Rachel Chang
Cantor Ellen Dreskin
Rabbi Billy Dreskin
Rabbi Maya Glasser
Cantor Jonathan Gordon
Adam Hart
Jonathan Hiller
Ashley Klein
Sam Scafidi
Margot Serwer

special thanks to …

Glenn Babakian
Mark Kaufman
Rabbi Danny Price
Adam Weber
Woodlands Community Temple

Additional information

Download Format

MP3 Audio, MP3 Audio (abridged), Lead Sheet (pdf), Lead Sheet (abridged, pdf), Piano-Vocal Score (pdf), Piano-Vocal Score (abridged, pdf), 3 Voices and Piano (pdf), Full Arrangement and Parts (pdf)


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