Thank You

Thanks to all who have contributed to our Summer Campaign ’17!

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We are so grateful that you take the time and dollars to support our work. It’s so incredibly gratifying. This list of Summer Campaign 2017 donors is a small but earnest way to thank you. May our efforts bring ever-increasing goodness into young lives!

The campaign continues through June 30, 2017. Please give generously at

The Dreskins


Danny Siegel … yashir koakh and kol hakavod big time!

Gwynne and Alan Ross … in memory of Brad Gaber

Leona Paul … in memory of my darling daughter, Susan Sirkman

BillyThanks to all who have contributed to our Summer Campaign ’17!
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JMF Brings Palestinians and Israelis a Tiny Bit Closer

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We recently learned about a beautiful Israeli project called “The Road to Recovery” in which more than 750 volunteers drive critically ill Palestinians (mostly children) to receive medical treatment in Israel. 10,000 recovery trips now happen each year!

There are so many ways that we see Israelis and Palestinians coming together. We’re touched by them all. This one, saving lives one at a time by making sure patients can get from the West Bank and Gaza to hospitals throughout Israel for treatment, is simply fantastic.

We are touched and honored to support this worthy program.

Learn more about “The Road to Recover” — watch a 6-minute video here. You can learn more about “The Road to Recovery” at


BillyJMF Brings Palestinians and Israelis a Tiny Bit Closer
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Thank you … to those who, in 2017, have provided funds so we can make a difference in young people’s lives

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Rabbi Micah Greenstein … yehi zikhro barukh … thank you for continuing to spread Jonah’s light to the world

Sarah Sagner … this follows up on my tzedakah statement … please use it for other kids like me

Rabbi Larry Hoffman … in memory of Jonah …  it is an honor and a pleasure to help you help others

Joan Funk … in memory of my father Dr. O. Herman Dreskin on his yahrzeit … and to honor the memory of my nephew Jonah

Rabbi Dan Geffen

BillyThank you … to those who, in 2017, have provided funds so we can make a difference in young people’s lives
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What We Accomplished In 2016

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Dear friends,

Happy new year! Our winter campaign has ended and we thought you might like to know how we spent your money in 2016. Here’s the rundown of the grants we made:

1) IsraAID is an Israeli-based humanitarian aid agency that responds to emergency crises and engages in international development around the world. Our grant supported their work with Syrian refugees.

2) Treehouse Shakers provides teacher trainings and residencies for students that focus on the art of dance and storytelling.

3) The American Indian College Fund supports Native student access to higher education. The Jonah Maccabee Foundation believes that every American has a profound responsibility to assist our nation’s indigenous peoples in building whole, healthy lives for themselves and their children.

BillyWhat We Accomplished In 2016
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Thanks to all who have contributed to our Winter 2016 Campaign!

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2016-12-wintercampaign16Our Winter 2016 campaign’s a little different. You’re invited the honor and/or remember parents and/or grandparents who inspired the life you’re living. It’s a sweet and poignant way to give credit where credit is due, and to help a whole lotta kids along the way.

We are so grateful that you take the time and dollars to support our work. This list of donors is a small but earnest way to thank you. May our efforts bring ever-increasing goodness into young lives!

The campaign continues through December 31, 2016. Please give generously at

Ellen, Billy, Katie, Mark and Aiden


Naomi Dreskin … in memory of Helen and Oscar Dreskin (because as members of Jonah’s extended family, they would have been proud, as I am, of your efforts in his name, to enrich the lives of others through the arts– also their passion.)

Rachel Kalmowitz … in honor of my Mama, whose current experience fighting breast cancer reminds me how strong and capable this gentle, compassionate woman is.

Julie Newman … in memory of Bernard Newman, my father — for singing with me in the car

Phyllis Opochinsky … in honor of Hy and Ruth Polikoff, my parents in the best sense of the word

Rona Oberman and Deb Franzblau … in memory of Jonny Franzblau

Robin Brigmon … in memory of Paul and Ruby Brigmon

Beth Sher … in honor of Bobbie Kraus, Choir Member and Grandmother Extraordinaire

Leona Paul … in memory of Susan Paul Sirkman

Nancy Paul … in honor of Leona Paul, my best friend and mother

BillyThanks to all who have contributed to our Winter 2016 Campaign!
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In Memory of Ida F. Dreskin

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Ida Dreskin: (l-r) 2008, 1957 and 1942

Ida Dreskin: (l-r) 2008, 1957 and 1942

My mom was born in Perth Amboy, NJ, in 1923. She raised six children (me being the youngest) in Cincinnati, OH. Following her eldest (and only) daughter first to Boston and then to Florida, she died peacefully last week at the pretty grand old age of 93. At a sweet, beautiful funeral, attended by five of her six kids and loads of kids-in-law and grandchildren, we sent her on her way to the next part of her journey.

So many of you have donated in her honor and we want to take a moment here to say thank you. I was so deeply touched by all of your gifts. My mom adored Jonah and was utterly bereft when he died. She loved seeing the good work we’ve been doing in his name. Now, with your help, we can do that work in honor of them both.

With humble thanks,

P.S. Throughout December 2016, our winter fundraising campaign is called “Honoring Our Parents and Our Grandparents.” Donate today in honor of someone that YOU love.


Rabbis Bernard Mehlman, Ronne Friedman, Elaine Zecher and Cantor Roy Einhorn

Ellen and Billy Dreskin

Mitchell Feldman

Lois and Bernie Bacharach

David and Joanne Sapadin

BillyIn Memory of Ida F. Dreskin
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Noah Budin: Another Good Guy Award!

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noah-budinThis week, we send love and thanks to our good pal, Noah Budin, who donated 100% of the proceeds of CD and songbook purchases following a Shabbat Evening spent with Billy at Woodlands Community Temple this past August. As if it weren’t enough that we were given a most delightful and moving evening of singing and storytelling by this gentle, talented man, he then turned around and said, “Hey, do some good with these dollars, will you?”

We will, Noah. And we’re so pleased to offer you this week’s Good Guy Award and induction into the Order of Stalwart Friends of The Jonah Maccabee Foundation. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy!

What, you don’t know who Noah Budin is?! Well, get yourself over to and meet him today. The guy writes some mighty nice tunes!

BillyNoah Budin: Another Good Guy Award!
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Thank You for Participating in Our Louisiana Relief Project!

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2016.08.LouisianaReliefProject.WebNoteWe’re so grateful that you’ve chosen to join us in extending a helping hand to those living in areas that are struggling to contend with the flooding in Baton Rouge and other parts of Louisiana. The Jonah Maccabee Foundation is forwarding all of these gifts to help kids who are caught in the mess down there. We’ll be working with Save the Children as they deploy emergency response teams to establish Child-Friendly Spaces in emergency shelters and assess children’s most urgent needs throughout Louisiana.

Most sincerely,
Ellen, Billy, Katie, Mark and Aiden
The Jonah Maccabee Foundation, Inc.


Jason Laks and Rabbi Lisa Izes

Danielle Rodnizki … in gratitude for Noah Budin and the music he shared with me!

Joan Funk

BillyThank You for Participating in Our Louisiana Relief Project!
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Thanks to all who have contributed to our Summer 2016 Campaign!

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2016.06.SummerCampaign'16We are so grateful that you take the time and dollars to support our work. It’s so incredibly gratifying. This list of Summer Campaign 2016 donors is a small but earnest way to thank you. May our efforts bring ever-increasing goodness into young lives!

The campaign continues through the summer. Please give generously at

The Dreskins

Leona Paul … in loving memory of Susan Sirkman

Joel Horwitz

BillyThanks to all who have contributed to our Summer 2016 Campaign!
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Thank you … to those who, in 2016, have provided funds so we can make a difference in young people’s lives

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Rabbi Joe Black … in honor of the Dreskin family

Rabbi Mo Salth

Cantor Suzanne Bernstein … in honor of Aiden Dreskin

Stacy and Bruce Beyer

Noah Budin

Liz and Mike Scafidi

Kathy Glass

Emily Rosen and Dan Gorka … in honor of Rabbi Billy Dreskin … thank you for all of the time you spent with us this year and for your beautiful participation in our wedding ceremony … we are so grateful for your support

David Paul

Larry Grossman

Eli Malakan … leilui nishmat my grandfather Shimon ben Yehzakel … leilui nishmat Jonah

Rabbi Norman Cohen

Madelyn Katz

Sheldon Low

Ben & Jerry’s of White Plains

Chuck and Jessica Myers

Am Shalom, Glencoe, IL

David and Linda Altshuler

Rabbi Marc Margolius

Karen Steele …. in memory of Sean

Michael Skloff

Harriet Lewis

David and Kathy Gelfand

… and growing!

BillyThank you … to those who, in 2016, have provided funds so we can make a difference in young people’s lives
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