Thank you … to those who, in 2017, have provided funds so we can make a difference in young people’s lives

Thank you … to those who, in 2017, have provided funds so we can make a difference in young people’s lives

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Rabbi Micah Greenstein … yehi zikhro barukh … thank you for continuing to spread Jonah’s light to the world

Sarah Sagner … this follows up on my tzedakah statement … please use it for other kids like me

Rabbi Larry Hoffman … in memory of Jonah …  it is an honor and a pleasure to help you help others

Joan Funk … in memory of my father Dr. O. Herman Dreskin on his yahrzeit … and to honor the memory of my nephew Jonah

Rabbi Dan Geffen

Dorothy Walrond

Louis Bordman

De Herman … in honor of Cantor Rosalie Boxt

Sheila Linderman

Cantor Linda Ecker

Marlene Kohn

Jim Dowdle … in honor of William

Solly Zisser … in honor of my and Jonah’s shared birthday

Carol, David, Jade and Sofia Sank … you continue to be in our hearts and thoughts

Linda and David Altshuler

Joel and Adriane Belmont … in memory of Ida Dreskin

Rabbi Angela Buchdahl

Rabbi Peter Rubinstein

Sandy and Rich Spilka … in memory of Ida Dreskin

Cantor Julie Yugend-Green

Liz Okin Gabay … in honor of Rabbi Billy

George and Chris Markley

Mark Kaufman and Rachel Wineberg … in honor of Noah Aronson (whose music moves me, and whose concert is preempted by my wife’s theatrical endeavors)

The Dreskin family … in honor of Lisa Linn and her incredible Jonah Maccabee Concert Committee

Michael Skloff

Ina Plotsky

Kathy Glatter … in honor of Ellen Dreskin

Cantor Mo Glazman

Cantor Bradley Hyman

Barbara and Peter Cerf … in memory of all wonderful pets

Martha Rosen

Todd Gordon and Susan Feder

Madelyn Mishkin Katz

Mitchell Feldman … in memory of Manny Feldman

Ramie and Merri Arian

Phyllis Opochinsky … in memory of my mom, Ruth Polikoff … she walks with me everyday of my life

Cantor Barbara Ostfeld … in honor of the wedding of Mark Horowitz and Tom Staebell

Diana and Henry Asher

Marilyn Price … in memory of Renee Price … she would have loved your mission!

Dr. Gary P. Zola

Faye Roth … in memory of Susan Sirkman

Judi Amsel … in honor of Ellen and Billy Dreskin … thank you both for your vibrant loving presence at Hevreh!

Ilana Matteson

Beth, Dusan and Natasha Nesic … in memory of Jane Y. Hecht

Rabbi Norman and Terry Cohen … in memory of Jonah

Don Jones

Lisa Zbar

Rabbi Monique Mayer

Mary Gilhuly and Steven Klaper

Larry and Audrey Kaplan … in honor of Lauren Kaplan’s marriage to Allen Kolko

Marilyn Bilsky

Julie and Dave Buckner


… and growing!

BillyThank you … to those who, in 2017, have provided funds so we can make a difference in young people’s lives

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