
Project Morry Receives Gift from JMF

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final logoWe’re so delighted to have awarded a grant from The Jonah Maccabee Foundation to Project Morry, a nonprofit, year-round youth development organization that helps young people from underserved communities in and around New York City to succeed in school and in life. Each year, more than 400 children participate in enriching learning opportunities at summer camp and throughout the school year.

JMF is honored to support Project Morry!

BillyProject Morry Receives Gift from JMF
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JMF Gives Shakespeare a Hand

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Logo.01The Jonah Maccabee Foundation is thrilled to provide a grant to Mainestage Shakespeare of Kennebunk, Maine. MaineStage Shakespeare is a nonprofit theater company made up of  young, passionate theater artists from around the country who believe in the benefits of the resident repertory theater company, actors who can develop their craft together to produce a creative nucleus that enriches their community-at-large.


“The Comedy of Errors,” 2011

The JMF believes passionately in the arts and their potential to help minds and spirits grow. We’re delighted to assist Mainestage Shakespeare in bringing repertory theatre to the 23rd state.

Visit Mainestage Shakespeare to learn more.

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JMF and Valentine’s Day … Love Enough to Change Worlds

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Logo.01aWe’re so pleased to have joined forces with Jessica Hendricks and The Brave Collection, selling exquisite jewelry made by artisans in Cambodia. The proceeds help these communities attain self-sufficiency and to combat human trafficking. At the same time, part of the proceeds come back to The Jonah Maccabee Foundation and will form part of a grant we’re making to The Play Group Theatre (PGT) in White Plains, NY. Jessica grew up at PGT alongside Jonah, where they both learned about the bravery that Jessica sees and nurtures in the Cambodian communities that The Brave Collection supports.

Our gratitude to all who participated in our Valentine’s Day project:

  • Amanda Battaglia
  • Sue Bensadon
  • Suzanne Bernstein
  • Rosalie Boxt
  • Michelle Butler
  • Billy Dreskin
  • Ellen Dreskin
  • Katie Dreskin
  • Ashley Fertig
  • Melissa Frey
  • Tracy Friend
  • Ilyssa Garson
  • Dan Geffen
  • Ivy Giserman Kiss
  • Wendy Leatherberry
  • Lexi Milford
  • Kara Millstein
  • Marisa Mittelman
  • Stacie Mittelman
  • Fran Uditsky Moss
  • Julie Newman
  • Keith Newman
  • Christine O’Connell
  • Liz Piper-Goldberg
  • Jennifer Prass
  • Isabel Rachlin
  • Roberta Roos
  • Tracey Scher
  • Susan Sirkman
  • Michael Skloff
  • Angela Stefano
  • Craig Taubman
  • Tamara Wolfson
  • Marjorie Zimmerman

The Jonah Maccabee Foundation is honored to have been part of this beautiful and inspiring project. Please visit The Brave Collection and learn more about Jessica’s important and sacred work.

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JMF Supports WCT “Jonah Concert” and Camp Scholarships

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Pay attention because this can get confusing.

The Jonah Maccabee Foundation has made a grant to The Jonah Maccabee Fund (you with us?) at Woodlands Community Temple (White Plains, NY) to help support their annual Jonah Maccabee Concert (gosh, there are a lot of “Jonah Maccabee” mentions in this entry). The concert brings contemporary Jewish music to the synagogue and, while they’re at it, raises lots of money to help send temple kids to summer programs sponsored the the Union for Reform Judaism (URJ).

This year, the 5th Annual Jonah Maccabee Concert will take place on Sat, Mar 8, 2014 at 8:00 pm and features much-loved performers Julie Silver and Ken Chasen. We’d love to have you join us or make a donation to support the project. Visit to participate.

The Jonah Maccabee Foundation is proud to join in this terrific project. Jonah grew up at Woodlands, made a lot of music there, and headed off to Eisner Camp and Kutz Camp from there as well. So not only is this a really worthwhile endeavor but it’s very near and dear to our hearts!


BillyJMF Supports WCT “Jonah Concert” and Camp Scholarships
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JMF makes grant to The Talia Agler Girls Shelter in Nairobi

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TaliaAglerGirlsShelter.001The Talia Agler Girls Shelter provides opportunity and hope to young people who may have little of either, due to life circumstance, poverty, abuse, trafficking, violence and more. TAGS rescues, restores, and quite literally, saves lives. The Jonah Maccabee Foundation is honored to support this most worthy program. Learn more at

BillyJMF makes grant to The Talia Agler Girls Shelter in Nairobi
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