UPDATE: House Concert featuring Daniel Cainer … SOLD OUT!

UPDATE: House Concert featuring Daniel Cainer … SOLD OUT!

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If you’d like to be placed on our waiting list, go ahead and make your reservation.
We’ll let you know if anyone can’t make it and seats open up.

We will certainly continue to accept donations (you can use the same form)
to help us assist asylum-seekers. Thank you!


In concert (heh, a pun) with the Woodlands Community Temple Social Action Committee, we are so very delighted to invite you to stop by our home in Ardsley, New York, on Thursday, July 20 (7:30 pm dessert, 8:00 pm concert) for a wonderful evening of good company, tasty desserts and great music.

When we learned that our old friend, Daniel Cainer, was coming to town (from England no less!), we knew we had to give y’all an opportunity to meet him and enjoy him as much as we always have.

And it’s a benefit concert! With asylum-seeking immigrants landing in cities all across the country, it’s become important to help where one can. Here in Ardsley, there are 66 men, women and children who have arrived from all across the world. They have entered legally and are now awaiting their day in court hoping to be formally and permanently welcomed to our Land of Opportunity. Meanwhile, there are meals to be made, clothing to be purchased, toys to be played with, and legal counsel to help present their cases. All of this costs money and The Jonah Maccabee Foundation would like to help. Hopefully you’d like to help too.

If you’re available and can join us, stop by jonahmac.org/danielcainer to make your reservation. Even if you can’t attend, please consider making a donation there to help these folks. 100% of the proceeds from the concert will be used to support these community guests.

As with the story of the child throwing a starfish back into the ocean, we may not be able to help everybody but we might be able to help a few. [Someone told the child, “Why do you throw them back into the ocean? There are so many. You can’t possibly help them all.” Said the child, “But I can help this one.”]

Whether you can make the concert or can just send a few dollars to help out, please visit jonahmac.org/danielcainer and donate today.

Thank you.

Your grandmother would be so proud!

BillyUPDATE: House Concert featuring Daniel Cainer … SOLD OUT!

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