Bayom Hahu

Suggested Donation: $1.00

A simple but beautiful wish that our human family comes to understand that we are one.


Bayom Hahu comes from the Jewish daily liturgy. It dreams that one day we’ll all worship the One God. This doesn’t mean we’ll all be the same religion but that we’ll finally realize that we can respect and love each other even while journeying along different paths.

The recording comes from “The First Album,” Beged Kefet’s 1987 debut. Beged Kefet (1982-2009) was comprised of Rabbi Les Bronstein, Rabbi Billy Dreskin, Cantor Ellen Dreskin, Cantor Riki Lippitz, Cantor Benjie Ellen Schiller, Beth Sher, and Cantor Leon Sher. As you will hear, we worked hard to produce tight harmonies. And this was before you could tune things up afterward. Audio verite, you might say!


Ba-yom ha-hu yi-h’yeh Adonai e-khad u-sh’mo E-khad.

Translation: On that day, God shall be One and God’s name shall be One.


released June 1, 1987
text from Jewish liturgy
music by Billy Dreskin
performed by Beged Kefet
sound engineering by Skipp Tullen z”l (Tullen Sound Recording, Morristown, NJ)

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Download Format

MP3 Audio (orig Beged Kefet recording), Handwritten Lead Sheet for 2 Voices (pdf)


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